Properties by alberts
Using query: select resname, propmain.address, city, statecd, architect from propmain, architect,county where propmain.refnum = county.refnum and propmain.refnum = architect.refnum and architect like '%alberts%' and certcd = 'LI' order by resname;
[[Everett City Hall]], 3002 Wetmore Ave.
[[Everett, WA]] Albertson,A.H.
[[Michigan Paper Company Mill Historic District]], 200 Allegan St.
[[Plainwell, MI]] Albertson, Daniel J.
[[Stuart House and Gardens]], 619 W. Comstock St.
[[Seattle, WA]] Albertson A. H.
[[TRADEWINDS KINGFISHER (Cruiser)]], Depoe Bay Boat Basin
[[Depoe Bay, OR]] Albertson,Werner
[[Vancouver Telephone Building]], 112 W. Eleventh
[[Vancouver, WA]] Albertson,Wilson & Richardson
[[Windham Apartments]], 420 Blanchard St.
[[Seattle, WA]] Albertson Cornell Brothers & Walsh
[[Women's University Club of Seattle]], 1105 6th Ave.
[[Seattle, WA]] Albertson, Abraham H.
Note: The National Register database lists the last name first, and there may not always be a space between names. It's best to use lastname%firstname for searches.
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